The Affair Of The Tortoise by Arthur Morrison

A Martin Hewitt, investigator, on his seventh adventure.After a woman reports seing a murder victim, the body suddenly disappears. Arthur Morrison’s fictional characters, Martin Hewitt and Inspector Nettings, work to solve the mystery with just a few pieces of evidence to consider — a dead tortoise, a voodoo doll, a bloodstained axe, and a note…

The Stanway Cameo Mystery by Arthur Morrison

Martin Hewitt, investigator, on his sixth adventure.It is now a fair number of years back since the loss of the famous Stanway Cameo made its sensation, and the only person who had the least interest in keeping the real facts of the case secret has now been dead for some time, leaving neither relatives nor…

The Quinton jewel affair by Arthur Morrison

A Martin Hewitt, investigator, on his fifth adventure. The case will probably be very well remembered. Sir Valentine Quinton, before he married, had been as poor as only a man of rank with an old country establishment to keep up can be. His marriage, however, with the daughter of a wealthy financier had changed all…

The case of the Dixon Torpedo by Arthur Morrison

A Martin Hewitt, investigator, mystery on his fourth adventure. “Here was a noble chance. For a moment I thought of following him, in case there might be something interesting in the parcel. But I had to decide in a moment, and I decided on trying the room. I slipped inside the door, and, finding the…

The case of Mr Foggatt by Arthur Morrison

A Martin Hewitt, investigator, mystery on his third adventure. “But the memory of all my mother’s bitter years, and a savage sense of this crowning insult to myself, took a hold upon me, and I was a tiger.” In Public DomainFirst published 1894Ovi eBook Publishing May 2022 Read it online or download HERE!Or enjoy reading…

The Loss of Sammy Crockett by Arthur Morrison

A Martin Hewitt, investigator, mystery on his second adventure. “But I was sure that it was by that gate that Crockett had left, and by no other. He couldn’t have got through the house without being seen, and there was no other way—let alone the evidence of the unbolted gate.” In Public DomainFirst published 1894Ovi…

The Lenton Croft robberies by Arthur Morrison

A Martin Hewitt, investigator, mystery.Lenton Croft is the country seat (near Twyford) of Sir James Norris. Meeting Hewitt at the train station, Sir James outlines the case: three times in the last year, female guests have had valuable jewellery stolen from them. Each time the windows to the room in question were only slightly opened…